Monday, May 23, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jeffery was really bored!! :)

So me and Dorene were watching julian smith and this is by far my favorite video!!! Its HILARIOUS. :P she put it on her blog too. :) Twinners!!!! bahahahaha i make myself laugh. I wish you guys (as in molly and kel-c) were here. it'd be even more fun!!! love you all!! watch it!!! Oh oh oh!!!! story time :) So today i called dorene and she didn't answer. but then i had to to go to evmco rehearsal and me (stupid me) left the sound on, on my phone. :P she called me back and my phone started ringing really loud singing "forget you". i was all crap crap crap!!! and hung up and (thought) i turned the sound off on my phone then. wrong!! (btw everyone i my choir was laughing. hehehe) and then.... she called again!!! and my phone went off AGAIN!!! This time people laughed really hard and told me my phone was cursed. bahahaha. funny funny. :) it was kinda embarrassing though...but more funny :) my choir director, Brandon, laughed and rolled his eyes, which surprised me. i thought for sure id get yelled at. but nope. ALSO ALSO ALSO!!! I MET COLLIN RAYE!!!! WOOT WOOT (Dorene says "legittttt") He was super nice and down to earth surprisingly. It was awesome :) well... thats all :) Molly I love you mostest mostest times infinity times infinity squared!!! (dorene and kel-c don't be offended. inside joke (:) k we have to get back to our party now!! actually... i think dorene has something to say.

{Hi it's Dorene(: I would just like to point out that Kelcie shortened is NOT Kelce or Kels OR Kelc now. It is just plain Kel-c for now and forever(: Thank you!} {Also when Tay was writing the whole "(dorene and kel-c don't be offended. ...)" she first wrote "(molly and kel-c don't be offended.)" It was quite funny(:} {Also Taylor just threw herself over the back of the couch onto the couch and resulted in rolling off of it while yelling "BUSHKA!!!" (actually it was "WOOSHKA!!!" but I heard it the other way) It was way funny:)} {Also, Molly, Tay says "Remember when I fell?" I do not understand this question so I assume this is an inside joke. Laugh at whatever it is you are laughing at.} {And make sure you watch this video if you haven't already seen it on my blog} {K the end}

This is Tay P. again :) wuz up? so dorene just tried to impersonate my "WOOSHKA!!!" She kinda failed but it worked out in the end. hehehe. She tried her hardest and that's what counts right? :) k well.... WATCH THE CLIP!!!!! {DO IT NOW!!!} (pretty please?)