Sunday, May 30, 2010

Apron Giveaway!!!

isn't this apron so cute?! You have a chance to win it. Go to for instructions on how to win. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

This is Harmony on last day of school in choir! Sad!!! We are the 29 Mo' Divaz and Batman (Batman is Mr. C's nickname) is our director. :) It was an awesome year. Seriously i don't want to go to Mountain View's choir. I want to be in Batman's choir forever. :( O well it'll still be fun and we will go back to visit for sure.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

WOO HOO HOO!! It's SUMMER!!! Guess how i get to spend my first day of it? Siting at home with my mom because I'm grounded. Ugh!!!! Never talk back to your mom 2 weeks before school gets out. Not a very good idea. :( Meanwhile all of my friends are having a game night and sleepover. I wish that i could go!!!! :( Well i hope you guys are having a more enjoyable first day of summer than i am. Love ya!!
~Taylor Paige Hancock

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So guess what? Tomorrow is the last day of school! For me it's the very
last day that I'll be at poston junior high! Sad day!! Haha... not really. I mean
common! It's the last of school!! How could you be sad?! I am so exited for
Summer!!!! I'm gonna be making alot of headbands! Plus I'm gonna be
spending a ton of time with friends!!! Of coarse! OMGSH guys guess what?! I'm gonna be a sophomore in 3 months! Wow that's kinda scary. Oooh and another scary thing! I can get my permit in less than a month! June 28th!! I don't know weather I should be more scared or exited. A little bit of both i guess. O I just finished an absolutely amazing book yesterday. It's called The Secret Journal of Brett Colton and it's SO GOOD!! If you're looking for a good book to read over the summer....there you go! love ya! <3

Monday, May 24, 2010

Apron Give away!!

go to to win this amazingly cute apron! :)
So we are having a family party and my nieces and nephews are CRAZY!!! Hehe. they make me laugh. So here are their names. Gage is the oldest at 9, then comes Gabriella at 6, Emi at 5, Olivia at 3, then the little boy Dax is 2, and last but certanly not least little Sophia lyn at about 6 months. They are the cutest things. :) Thier mom is my oldest sister Kari. My sis-in-law is expecting too! A new baby! They're hoping for a little boy. So fun!! :) Well see ya!
~Taylor Paige Hancock

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Right now we are watching the basketball game. boring!!! so i decided to get on my blog and talk to ya'll. My grandma and grandpa are leaving on a mission to Florida! they were gonna go to Spain but to do that you need to be fingerprinted and guess what? for some random reason my grandpa Dean doesn't have any fingerprints!! Apparently some people are born without them!! So they couldn't get a visa which means no Spain... Oh well Florida will be awesome too.


I'm with my fav. cuz haleigh crever right now! we are having a sleepover and we just made her a blog. it was fun! :) kelcie go see her blog at :) love ya girly!! you and haleigh are the only ones that will read it so i can talk to you on it. her blog is cute. thanks for teaching me how to do this!!! oh and guess what? my stupid phone stoped working. it won't charge. stupid thing. i need a different kind. call or text my mom if ya need me. you have her number right? love ya much!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Stuff!!! :)

Hi guys!!! guess what?!!!! only 4 more days of school!!! hurray!! i will miss Poston but I'm movin on to mt. view!!! especially I'll miss choir. it's amazing. :) We had our end of the year Harmony and Da Capo (the names of the 2 freshman choirs) choir party tonight and it was so fun!!! :) so I've started making and selling headbands. it's been more successful than i thought it would. if you are interested in one call
480-220-4617. see ya later!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Oh and P.S. . . . don't laugh at my spelling if it's wrong. :)

School!!! :P

Hi guys!!! In biology right now I have to type a 5 page research paper on a disease called thrush. Boring right!!! We just finished dissecting our pigs though so that's exiting! it was nasty. They stunk so bad. Blah!! :P Math is dumb. I don't like it at all. Algebra sucks!!