Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So guess what? Tomorrow is the last day of school! For me it's the very
last day that I'll be at poston junior high! Sad day!! Haha... not really. I mean
common! It's the last of school!! How could you be sad?! I am so exited for
Summer!!!! I'm gonna be making alot of headbands! Plus I'm gonna be
spending a ton of time with friends!!! Of coarse! OMGSH guys guess what?! I'm gonna be a sophomore in 3 months! Wow that's kinda scary. Oooh and another scary thing! I can get my permit in less than a month! June 28th!! I don't know weather I should be more scared or exited. A little bit of both i guess. O I just finished an absolutely amazing book yesterday. It's called The Secret Journal of Brett Colton and it's SO GOOD!! If you're looking for a good book to read over the summer....there you go! love ya! <3

1 comment:

  1. Tay tay its Haleigh. Yes i AM reading your blog you should be happy! :) Linz said she LOVED LOVED LOVED her headbands and i even saw her wearing the blue one at music theater auditions!! <3 you!!!
