Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bitter Sweet

So this morning my family sent my brother off on his mission. This is surprising even to me but... against the odds.... I'll miss him. I know I know! Crazy right!!? And you'll never hear me admit that again so write it down. This moment needs to be documented. Everyone was crying (including me). K so this is the bitter part, now lets get to the sweet part. We got lots of pictures (which really annoyed my bro. :P). But the really great part is that my brother and his childhood best friend left on the same day, on the same plane, on the same day. It was great for both of them. We didn't need to send them off alone. Goodbye Ry and hello Elder Hancock! I'm really proud of him and I'm rooting (Sp?) for him to be the first guy in my family to stay the whole two years!!! Go Elder Hancock!!! Woo woo! I'll be writing him lots of letters and sending him lots of cookies and such. Oh ya, by the way, He's going to Calgary Canada. The weather their in the winter is like, HI- 7, LO-(-20). He's gonna freeze what little but he has off. Hahaha. The summers their are beautiful though. its like, HI- 75, LO- 68. We told him he should make friends with snow birds with no kids down their and get in on the will so he can inherit the summer house down their and we can go visit. :) Hahahahaha. He's gonna be coming home during the summer two years from now and I really hope we can go pick him up there and stay for two weeks. How awesome would that be!!? Well that's kinda all. here's some pictures of the difference between Calgary winter and summer. :) See ya in two years Bro!!! :)....:(

Friday, July 15, 2011

to whom it may concern.....

Dear Miss Juicy,
It would be greatly appreciated if you would reveal yourself to me. you commented on my last post as if you knew me so I've come to the conclusion that this is a mutual feeling.... However, i know not who you are because i call no one by the name of Miss Juicy. So, me being the master genius that i am, my next conclusion is that your name is not really Miss Juicy, but rather something else. Your response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a wonderful day.
Your assumed friend,
Taylor Paige Hancock
(P.S. Did you like my attempt at a formal letter? bahaha. i thought it was pretty epic. :D)