Friday, August 26, 2011

Lots 'o' stuff

k so (have you noticed that almost every girl starts a sentence/story with k so?) Ryland is doing a ton better but the doctors are still figuring out how to make it manageable. He has miners (mi-neers, i don't know how its spelled) disease. It's either caused by head trauma or genetics and when he was eight he had a major head injury and we think my great grandpa hancock had it so he kinda didnt stand a chance. haha. I think He'll prob be able to go back out and soon but i'll cross my fingers.

I started EVMCO last night and there were 83 people this time.... wow. so because we got so many new people we get to go on a choir retreat!!!! Oh my gosh im so super exited!! the last one was so much fun!! Also i really really really really really really want you guys to come to my concert this time! sam's whole family came last time so surely my four best friends can come if his entire family can come right? right (: tickets right now will be like 10 or fifteen dollars so get them fast!!! (pretty please?) 

Um.. this is mostly for Dorenes benefit since everyone else knows. I got asked to Homecoming!!! I'm so exited I have a dress that i absolutely love and its gonna be so much fun (:

Still haven't gotten my license.......

I finished my mickey mouse project in ceramics today!!! I cant wait to show you guys it's so cool. (: only took me two weeks.... :P

I think I might be getting a puppy!


Theres little people in my sisters bathtub


the sky is blue

mondays suck

Taylor's amazing

everyone knows it too

and she loves all of ya'll

the end

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