Sunday, January 23, 2011


So today I tried to make fondant to cover a cake with..... it failed. haha. I've never made it before and I've only ever seen it on the cake shows (I love them!!!!!!). Apparently I made the wrong kind of fondant....? The recipe I looked up said fondant on the top of it but it turns out it was a candy recipe. hahaha. I started to make it and it was SO SUPER STICKY!!! It got everywhere!!! :P I ended up letting it dissolve in hot water an dumping it down the sink. Oh well, I'll try again soon. OH OH OH!!!! And guess what!!? I GOT MY PERMIT!!!! Woo woo!!! I failed the first time I took it but passed the second time... thank goodness. On friday night I drove on the streets for the first time. It about scared me to death. I know this is ridiculous but the whole time I was shaking...and not from the cold. My knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard and my legs were quivering. haha. I'm a little bit of a dork. My dad stayed calm though and said that I did really good. (not so sure I believe him though...) haha. Also friday night me and Kelcie had a sleepover at my dads house. It was alot of fun. She had a quilt that she was making for an english/personal progress project so we worked on that. After she was done I made a blanket for my dad for his birthday. something that should have takin us three hours ended up lasting about five because we were just goofing off the whole time. :) haha. We stayed up till about 2 30 or 3. So much fun!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. haha good times. :) You make me laugh Tayla Paige!!
