Saturday, January 29, 2011


So last night i babysat for my sister. She has six kids. Gage, 10, Gabbi, 7, Emi, 6, Liv, 4, Dax, 2, and Sophi, 1. They're SO FLIPPIN ADORABLE!!!!!!! I know that I'm biased...... but they're the cutest kids in the world. Show me one that you think is cuter and I'll prove you wrong. Haha. We played outside, I was the evil witch that would capture them :P, for about an hour and then I made them dinner. After the kids and I made a..... yes it was another cake. hahaha. I made fondant, they chose the colors and we put it on. The cake was blue with marbled blue, yellow, and green polka dots. Then we put their initials on the polka dots. It was so super cute! haha. Right when I was putting them to sleep my mom came over with the movie secretariet. They watched it until about 11 and then their parents got home and they had to go to sleep. It was a fun night. That's all the end. :) see ya!

1 comment:

  1. Cutespice. :) Remember how you are making mucho cakes? And how you are using fondant like crazy? Yes, I am jealous. Cause my fondant seems to be hatin' on me. {this is where you go PARANOIA!} So basically I'm sayin we need to make fondant pronto. Oh, P.S. and by the way, that cake mentioned in this post, was indeed super cute. I liked it. Although I don't know how you did the whole marble deal... But anyway, methinks that this comment shall be finished since I've written a book on it.
