Thursday, June 16, 2011

My crazy vacations!!

Hey guys!! :) how are ya!? so, about my vacations.... well like, the first week of summer, i went to salt lake with my sister, brother in law, and 5 month old niece. it was so much fun :) i went because my mco choir as going up there to have two concerts (one of which was in the tabernacle!), and two record our songs for a cd thats coming out in the fall! woo woo! it was so cool! and so much fun! the tabernacle concert was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!! so cool! :) when we were up there we stayed with my CRAZY, but in a good way :), aunt Dinnie. i love her to death! it was an awesome start to my summer.

So i left for my second vaca. the day after i got back from salt lake. insane i know right! :) i went to mexico with my mom, her husband, my sister and her husband and family, and my bro parker and his wife and family, and my other brother. there were 14 of us and we all stayed in the same hotel/apartment. it was crazy fun! i drove up with my sister and her fam and when we were almost to our hotel we got pulled over by 20+ guys in camo with huge guns. it. was terrifying. all the kids were asleep thank goodness. omgsh so scary. my bro in law speaks spanish so he talked to one of the guys and the guy let us go. and then we went to the beach the next day. the beach we went to was perfect. there were rocks that the kids could explore in in one area, and sand to lay the towels out on. one day we went to a place called the blow hole. you stand on a balcony type place over the ocean and water would shoot up... i dont even know how far up above our heads but it was flippin high! it was so cool! we got pics and stuff. also, when we were on the beach we would catch crabs and feed them to the sea sponges. they would close around the crabs and it was kinda cool :) the, i think last, night we were there we read through the guest books that the people who rented our place out kept for people to write how there stay was. in the books, there were like 5 pages that said stuff like, "the ghosts were nice! they didnt scare us that bad." and, "you should call ghost busters". FREEKY RIGHT!? Then we got into ghost stories and stuff and in the middle of them... wait for it..... no youre wrong no ghost popped up.....THE POWER IN OUR ROOMS WENT OUT!!! FREEKY FREEKY FREEKY!!!! BAH!!!! Seriously omgsh... so scared. then, the guys left to go try to turn on the power, leaving me an my sister sitting alone in the dark in a freekin haunted house!(well.... appartment...) It was so scary!! well thats kinda it for now of taylors terrific travels! Ta Ta!!! :)