Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm Done!!!!

Thank goodness!!!! My closet was a HUGE mess and I had clothes All over the ground. Me and my mom made a deal. It was that I had to clean and organize my closet and go through and refold all of the clothes neatly in my drawers by wednesday before mutual..... and if I didn't.... I'd be grounded for a long time, not be able to drive, and she would turn off my phone.... Permanently. Dun dun DUUUUUNNNN!!!!!! Hahaha :) But, luckily, I did it and I get to keep my phone!!!!! :) YAY!!!! I also got to drive today. :) It was only to the church from my house but still. :) My mom doesn't like it when I drive though. hahaha it's funny :P Ok me thinks that's all. Ktheend. :)
~Tayla Paige!!! :D

PS. David you better be reading this. it's your part of the deal :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

This post is dedicated to David Evans

He told me that I had to blog about how awesome he is if I want him to read my blog. :) Here goes. David is such a dork!!! He makes me laugh which is pretty much awesome. :) haha this is strange. Hes uber amazing. Thank you Kelcie for the word Uber. Ummmm....... People worship the ground he walks on! :P Molly says that he's a vampire child with blue ears. I guess that's good....? Bwahaha! (That was Molly! :) She loves Tayla Paige more than she loves David! :o) That's all The end! :)
~Tayla Paige!!! :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rain Rain DON'T go away!!

Haha. Cheesy much? :) So it's raining (obviously) and I LOVE IT!!! Considering the fact that I live in Mesa Arizona, rain doesn't come that often so when it does it's so much fun!! :D And this morning I put my head phones in and pushed play on my ipod and guess what song was playing!? Glee's I'm singing in the rain. It was awesome :) Hahaha. I'm kinda running out of things to say so that's all the end! :)
~Tayla Paige! :D

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An apple a day keeps the doctor away :P

Unfortunately.... That only works if you actually eat an apple a day. Who knew!? (actually....maybe not even then). :) So I'm sick (obviously) and it sucks. I went to the doctor the other day and he said that I have Bronchitis and a rhino virus. Not fun! I'm on like five different medications. And you know somethings off when even your pee smells like the meds you're taking. Yikes. :)It's kinda like asparagus in that way I guess.... Hahaha :D Today I went to school after missing two days, I'm not contagious anymore so I needed to so I miss as little as possible, and guess what!!?? I FORGOT MY COUGH DROPS!!!! This is unfortunate because I've grown addicted to them. (not really) :P Nasty as they are they do help a TON!!! Ok that's all Folks!!! The end TTYL!!
~Tayla Paige!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beiber Beiber Fever oh!!!

So until last night i totally thought that everyone made to big a deal about Justin Beiber..... then I went and saw the new movie. :) I've got the beiber fever!!! HAHAHA. Just kidding but I do really like him :) I've always liked his songs but didn't at the same time because it bugged me that people were SO obsessed with him. I still think some people are crazily obsessed with him but I love him now. Hehe. :D I just bought like ten of his songs on Itunes. Ya'll should go see the movie :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lots of stuff

So this week is missionary week in seminary. That means that we need to spend a week with no tv or movies (unless they're church produced), no music unless it's church music, we have to study the scriptures for 30 minutes, morning and night prayers, and then there's a bunch of challenges like, invite a nonmember to church, give a nonmember a book of mormon, etc etc.... So far, it's been hard. Yesterday I forgot about it and watched the closer. Oopsies!! :P I'm getting better at remembering it though.

Last night I went to my school's talent show with some friends. It was pretty much awesome. I was jealous of this one girl named Skylar. She sang I KNOW WHERE I'VE BEEN. OH MY FLIPPIN GOSH!!!!! It was amazing!!! seriously? why can't I sing like her!? Haha. It was fun though. :)

Today after school Kelcie and I were going to try out for the school musical. We got there and COULD NOT for the life of us get the choreography down! First of all we were in the back so we couldn't see the lady that was teaching it to us so we basically failed and left before we could try out. Hahahaha. Oh well. At least we tried!!! :)

My mom's out of town so I'm staying at my dad's. These girls are Crazy!!!!! They make me laugh. :) Whenever you look at layla (brunette) she says "HI!!!". It's SO funny. :) And Lilly (Blonde) is just SO cute and crazy! Hahahahaha. Well that's pretty much it. The end!

~Tayla Paige!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,jjjjjjjjgjjggjggjgjgghjtttxx≈ zzzzzzzzzjhhhhhhhhhhhc
h h,hh,,,,h,,,m ,khm nn n n ,n jnn

Love My One year old niece Sophia Lyn
Haha :)

More Brilliance

See this girl...She is amazinger!! She is MORE than Brilliance. Her name is too awesome to be in the dictionary. Teachers didn't want their students shouting for joy every time they saw the words, incredible, Magnificent, Fantabulous, etc etc...

There are no words to describe This Fantastic creature. so really people would cheer if they looked up the word speechless as well. She can make babies stop crying, people stop yelling, and dogs stop barking. She's THAT awesome.

PS. Kelcie Lewis!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Mine is better!! Hehe. Dork :D

PPS. I not conceited... I'm just awesome and I know it :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Ahh... Methinks I can't exactly get all of the brilliance in this one post. But I shall try. See this girl?

She... she is brilliance. There are actually many adjectives that can desbribe her. Such as Amazing, Lovely, Fantastic, totally Humble, and last, Magical. Don't ask me how that one works... She is the BESTEST!! :) Sometimes, she makes me laugh. And sometimes, I make her laugh. Mucho. Basically, you should know her. And be her friend. Cause if you look up "epic" or "awesome" in the dictionary, her name will be there. That's all!

Love... Me.

P.S. Taylor, maybe you should sign out of your blog when you come to my house, mmkay? :) Haha. Yeah... this is me trying to copy-cat those people who do this with facebook statuses. It's not legitimate, but it still works. Ktheend. :D


Oh, P.P.S. Kelcie is not really this conceited. Promise.