Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm Done!!!!

Thank goodness!!!! My closet was a HUGE mess and I had clothes All over the ground. Me and my mom made a deal. It was that I had to clean and organize my closet and go through and refold all of the clothes neatly in my drawers by wednesday before mutual..... and if I didn't.... I'd be grounded for a long time, not be able to drive, and she would turn off my phone.... Permanently. Dun dun DUUUUUNNNN!!!!!! Hahaha :) But, luckily, I did it and I get to keep my phone!!!!! :) YAY!!!! I also got to drive today. :) It was only to the church from my house but still. :) My mom doesn't like it when I drive though. hahaha it's funny :P Ok me thinks that's all. Ktheend. :)
~Tayla Paige!!! :D

PS. David you better be reading this. it's your part of the deal :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Yay for clean closets and working phones!! Methinks that you said methinks in this post... :) Baha. Methinks, too, that I'm rubbing off on you a little bit. :) Member Tay, member how we drove one time... I member it. :) And David... we won't believe you are reading unless you comment. So start writing. :)
