Monday, February 21, 2011

This post is dedicated to David Evans

He told me that I had to blog about how awesome he is if I want him to read my blog. :) Here goes. David is such a dork!!! He makes me laugh which is pretty much awesome. :) haha this is strange. Hes uber amazing. Thank you Kelcie for the word Uber. Ummmm....... People worship the ground he walks on! :P Molly says that he's a vampire child with blue ears. I guess that's good....? Bwahaha! (That was Molly! :) She loves Tayla Paige more than she loves David! :o) That's all The end! :)
~Tayla Paige!!! :D


  1. This was a pretty legit post. :) Hee hee. I like this one, it just might be my fav one. oh, by the way, I love Tayla Paige soooooo much! She is such a cutie! (She already knew that though!) ;)

  2. Way to be Tay. :)I'm pretty sure that David makes everyone laugh. He's a funny child. You are welcome, by the way (John), for the use of the word uber. 'Tis a word, I promise, no matter what me padre says. Miss Molly... I'm kind of wondering how you know this vampire bidness about him. That's strange. Um yeah I'm pretty sure I love David more than any of you. Or all of you put together. Cause ya know, I'm madly in love with him! :) For serious though. I could have made this post much longer listing his fantastic qualities. ;) So basically what I'm saying, is that I shall be featuring David on my blogspice soon... So be waiting for it. :)

  3. Hahahahaha. You do that Kelce. :) btw.... You're wrong. I love him more than all of EVERYONE combined!!!! :D Hahahaha. :)
