Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An apple a day keeps the doctor away :P

Unfortunately.... That only works if you actually eat an apple a day. Who knew!? (actually....maybe not even then). :) So I'm sick (obviously) and it sucks. I went to the doctor the other day and he said that I have Bronchitis and a rhino virus. Not fun! I'm on like five different medications. And you know somethings off when even your pee smells like the meds you're taking. Yikes. :)It's kinda like asparagus in that way I guess.... Hahaha :D Today I went to school after missing two days, I'm not contagious anymore so I needed to so I miss as little as possible, and guess what!!?? I FORGOT MY COUGH DROPS!!!! This is unfortunate because I've grown addicted to them. (not really) :P Nasty as they are they do help a TON!!! Ok that's all Folks!!! The end TTYL!!
~Tayla Paige!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Taylor. I thought you said you were fixing this addiction problem? Now I come to find out you are still very much attached to them. Not cool.
